Thursday, October 11, 2018

Regionals Volunteer Workers Needed

Regionals Volunteer Workers Needed

Dear Band Families,

Each year for the past 5 years, the Liberty Band program has had the privilege and opportunity to host the Colorado Bandmasters Association Southern Regional for Marching Bands, a necessary step to qualify for the Colorado State Marching Band Championships.  This year, the Southern Regional is on Wednesday, October 17th.

"Regionals" is a big event for us to host, this year we will host 23 Marching Bands from the Southern Region of the state, made up of over 2,000 student performers.  Regionals is HUGE fundraiser for the band program; we've been very blessed to profit well over $10,000 each of the years that we've hosted.  The money we earn from Regionals goes to the Liberty Band Booster general budget which is then used to support ALL of the band program; while Regionals is a Marching Band event, the money we raise does not go exclusively to our marching band.  The funds are used to support everything we do in the Liberty Band program: purchase new instruments, new music, music stands, buses for trips, food, hiring clinicians, paying for registration fees for contests and festivals...the list really does go on and on.  Lastly, it really is a privilege to host Regionals, and is not something that we are guaranteed to host each year; we need to put our best foot forward if we wish to keep hosting this event.

This year, we are especially short on volunteers for our evening shifts.  PLEASE, please consider looking at your schedule and volunteering to make the day a success.  

Please email me with any questions you might have, and thank you for considering signing up to work with us to make the day successful and profitable.


Sean Hedding
Director of Bands
Liberty High School

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