Saturday, January 9, 2016

General Meeting, website

Hi Parents,

We have our next general booster meeting on Monday, Jan 11 at 630 PM.  It will be held either in the auditorium or band room.  I encourage all of you to come and hear about all the great things happening in the Liberty band program. 

We will be opening up nominations for President, 1st Vice President, Communications Liaison, and Bookkeeper.  If you have ever thought about serving on the booster board, this is a great time to learn more about the positions available. 

We will have our first drawing for scrip that night, and there are always cards available for purchase.  The lovely scrip ladies can help you sign up for a Great Lakes Scrip account, Presto Pay,  and answer any questions you may have. 

Check out the website!  We have added a new page called news.  Every email sent out by the boosters will be added to this page-  just in case you missed an email, deleted one by accident, or  just want to make sure you have the latest info.  

If you have any questions or concerns,  please don't hesitate to contact me at 439-0606.  

Thanks so much, see you on Monday!

Lee MacKay
LBB President 

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