Band Updates
Hi Parents,
On the 11th of January, the process to elect new board members was started. I encourage any of you who are looking for a way to get more involved with the band, make a difference in kids lives, and to meet the best band parents ever- to consider volunteering for a board position. Each year we change out 1/2 of the booster board- this year we will be electing-
1st Vice President
Communications Liaison
All of these positions are available to anyone who has a student in the band program during the next two years. We meet once a month as an executive board, and 5 times a year at general booster meetings.
If you have any questions or interest in any of the positions above please don't hesitate to contact me (Lee at 439-0606), Genice, or Sean. We will present a slate of candidates at the March meeting and hold elections in May.
Liberty's Wind Ensemble and the UNC Wind ensemble will present a joint concert tomorrow at 7PM in the auditorium. Please come and support both ensembles! Liberty will be playing the music they selected for the CMEA concert at the Broadmoor on Friday.
Swinging Sweets is just around the corner, Friday, Feb 19th. You may purchase tickets online at If you are interested in donating a basket to auction at the event- please check the blog at under news. This is a fun evening filled with lots of sugar, great jazz, and we even get a preview of the wonderful talent coming our way from Timberview.
Finally- We have heard from several parents that emails sometimes do not make it to your inbox. Gmail- our service provider was never intended to handle large batches of emails, plus some spam filters may remove our information because of the large groups we send to. We have created a solution! All emails sent via the booster gmail and by the band directors to large groups (wind ensemble, jazz band, marching band- NOT INDIVIDUAL NOTES) will be posted on the site under NEWS! We are all still learning the process- so please be patient- but this should ensure that you have access to all notices sent out.
I am always interested in hearing from you- please don't hesitate to contact me at or
Thanks for supporting Liberty Bands!
Lee MacKay
Liberty Band Booster President
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