Tuesday, January 26, 2016
Hello Again Wind Ensemble Parents!
Here is some information about the purchasing CD/DVDs at CMEA. CMEA did not get this information
out to all performing groups until today because of an email problem on their end of things. So unfortunately, this information
is getting to you very late and of course we need an answer by TOMORROW.
Box5 Media is the company doing all the recordings at CMEA. If you order on site, after the concert, the cost for a CD/DVD combination is $45. HOWEVER, if we order as a group, the cost is $12 if we order more than 36.
I contacted Box5 Media today and explained to them the issues we had with DVDs from Nationals last year and State Marching Band this year. He said they are well aware of copyright issues. They have been given new guidelines to follow. They just
completed the Alabama Music Educators Clinic/Conferences with no problems so they are confident that the same will be the case for CMEA.
SOOO….tomorrow I need to know if your family would like to purchase a CD/DVD combination for $12. Please let your child know so they can let me know me. If we get 36 orders or more I can place the order. Once I receive the CD/DVD orders,
money will be due.
Sorry for the last minute info. Please let your child know if you would like to place an order so that I can take orders tomorrow.
Genice Matzke
Band Info-CMEA Week Info (125060B-4200)
Hello Wind Ensemble and Parents! Attached is an itinerary for CMEA week and
VERY important ticket information for the concert. Please read everything
carefully. Thanks, Genice Matzke
Wednesday, January 27
1:15-3:15pm Rehearsal on stage
5:30pm Dinner with UNC Wind Ensemble; possibly meet "home-stay" students
Lasagna, salad, bread, cupcakes, lemonade or water
6:40pm Warm up, tune
Then UNC PERFORMANCE! Encourage as many folks to come as possible. Put info on FaceBook, Twitter, etc.
8:45pm At end of concert, get UNC students for "Home-stays"; go home!
Thursday, January 28
7:30am Have UNC Students back to Liberty HS
Please make sure to feed them breakfast (bagels, cereal, stuff like that is fine). They have a long day of touring ahead of them.
Friday, January 29
7:45am Meet on stage in uniform; spot check areas; run through program
BRING A LUNCH OR SIGNIFICANT SNACK. You will not have food until 2:45pm. Everything needs to be disposable. You can eat on the bus.
10:00am Load busses and depart. Woodwinds Bus 1; Brass and Percussion Bus 2
10:40am Arrive Broadmoor Hotel; unload; go to storage area in International Center.
Use restroom
11:00am Warm up starts on stage
11:45am Finished with warm up as people arrive for concert.
1:00pm Photos; pack up; go through exhibits (you may need to bring instruments with you through exhibits
2:55pm Load busses at same place they dropped you off.
Depart for dinner at Romano’s Macaroni Grill
3:15pm "Dinner"
You will choose from:
House or Caesar salad and one of the following:
Spaghetti and Meatballs
Chicken Fettucine Alfredo
Eggplant Parmesean
Fettucine gorgonzola
Sausage and Peppers Rigatoni
Penne Arrabbiata-a little spicy
4:45pm Depart for Liberty
5:30pm Arrive Liberty; unload
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE come to the concert.
Concert-12noon-International Center North
Your best bet for parking is the parking garage which located on the Northeast part of the property. When you get to the round-about turn right and the parking garage is immediately past the train locomotive display. The cost for the garage is $10. There are streets around the Broadmoor that you can park on for free but this is a HUGE conference and street parking fills up very quickly (as does the garage). GIVE YOURSELF PLENTY OF TIME TO FIND PARKING.
The International Center is on the corner of Lake Ave. (which was Circle when you got off the highway) and Lake Circle (right at the round-about and very close to the garage).
Once you arrive in the International Center look for Mr. Singmaster and Mr. Silloway. THEY WILL HAVE TICKETS FOR YOU. Security at the Broadmoor is very tight. YOU WILL NOT BE ALLOWED INTO THE CONCERT WITHOUT A TICKET. Keep this ticket with you at all times so that you can get back into the concert hall if you leave to go to the bathroom or something. Mr. Singmaster and Mr. Silloway will be available until 11:55am. They will then go to their seats for the concert.
PLEASE GIVE YOURSELF PLENTY OF TIME TO FIND PARKING AND GET YOUR TICKET FOR THE CONCERT! Friday is the busiest day of the convention and we have the best performance time slot.
Photos will be taken at CMEA which you can purchase, however, the photo on the cover of the program will also be available for purchase through Apre Photography and the kids really like this one. Once Apre sends us the link, we will forward the info on to you.
YOU MAY NOT TAKE VIDEOS OR MAKE RECORDINGS AT CMEA. Box 5 Media will have recordings and videos available for purchase on site
Band Updates
Hi Parents,
On the 11th of January, the process to elect new board members was started. I encourage any of you who are looking for a way to get more involved with the band, make a difference in kids lives, and to meet the best band parents ever- to consider volunteering for a board position. Each year we change out 1/2 of the booster board- this year we will be electing-
1st Vice President
Communications Liaison
All of these positions are available to anyone who has a student in the band program during the next two years. We meet once a month as an executive board, and 5 times a year at general booster meetings.
If you have any questions or interest in any of the positions above please don't hesitate to contact me (Lee at 439-0606), Genice, or Sean. We will present a slate of candidates at the March meeting and hold elections in May.
Liberty's Wind Ensemble and the UNC Wind ensemble will present a joint concert tomorrow at 7PM in the auditorium. Please come and support both ensembles! Liberty will be playing the music they selected for the CMEA concert at the Broadmoor on Friday.
Swinging Sweets is just around the corner, Friday, Feb 19th. You may purchase tickets online at Liberty.band. If you are interested in donating a basket to auction at the event- please check the blog at liberty.band under news. This is a fun evening filled with lots of sugar, great jazz, and we even get a preview of the wonderful talent coming our way from Timberview.
Finally- We have heard from several parents that emails sometimes do not make it to your inbox. Gmail- our service provider was never intended to handle large batches of emails, plus some spam filters may remove our information because of the large groups we send to. We have created a solution! All emails sent via the booster gmail and by the band directors to large groups (wind ensemble, jazz band, marching band- NOT INDIVIDUAL NOTES) will be posted on the liberty.band site under NEWS! We are all still learning the process- so please be patient- but this should ensure that you have access to all notices sent out.
I am always interested in hearing from you- please don't hesitate to contact me at
lee.mackay@comcast.net or
Thanks for supporting Liberty Bands!
Lee MacKay
Liberty Band Booster President
Sunday, January 24, 2016
Hello Jazz Families!
The Jazz Band's Fundraiser for "Swingin' Sweets" is fast approaching and there's going to be some changes to make it as successful and easy as possible! For our new families, the purpose of Swingin' Sweets" is to raise money for our Jazz band students to attend the UNC/Greeley Jazz Festival in April.
PLEASE READ THE "SWINGIN SWEETS 2016 ATTACHMENT. IT IS LONG BUT PLEASE READ IT. We want the Jazz Program to continue to be successful and we need more parent help. Hopefully, your kids have already talked to you a little bit about this as we have been talking to them in class.
Thank you for taking the time to read the attachment and continuing to make our jazz program a success.
Genice Matzke
Director of Bands
Liberty High School
Swinging Sweets Attachment
The Jazz Band's Fundraiser for "Swingin' Sweets" is fast approaching and there's going to be some changes to make it as successful and easy as possible! For our new families, the purpose of Swingin' Sweets" is to raise money for our Jazz band students to attend the UNC/Greeley Jazz Festival in April.
PLEASE READ THE "SWINGIN SWEETS 2016 ATTACHMENT. IT IS LONG BUT PLEASE READ IT. We want the Jazz Program to continue to be successful and we need more parent help. Hopefully, your kids have already talked to you a little bit about this as we have been talking to them in class.
Thank you for taking the time to read the attachment and continuing to make our jazz program a success.
Genice Matzke
Director of Bands
Liberty High School
Swinging Sweets Attachment
Jazz Families!
hope your break was refreshing and you’re ready for a very busy and exciting
second semester.
Jazz Band’s Fundraiser for “Swingin’ Sweets” is fast approaching and we need to
make some changes in order for it to be as successful as possible. For our new families, the purpose of
“Swingin’ Sweets” is to raise money for our Jazz band students to attend the
UNC/Greeley Jazz Festival in April.
IS A LONG EMAIL BUT PLEASE READ IT. We want the Jazz Program to continue to
be successful and we need more parent help. Hopefully, your kids have
already talked to you a little bit about this as we have been talking to them
in class.
majority of the income from Swingin’ Sweets and the Jazz Dinner Dance come from
the Silent Auction. This past year, 2
people have done the bulk of the work: soliciting donations, packaging them,
listing them, etc (and one of those persons is NOT a jazz parent). This is way
too much to expect from 2 volunteers. We have asked repeated for others
to help but have not been able to get more folks on board.
We need your help! The Jazz Dinner Dance in November was
the most successful we’ve had. We not only need wonderful volunteers during the
event, we need more people soliciting/donating items for the actual silent
auction which is where we make the majority of our money for the trip. Please
read the following as you will notice some big changes for the better!
Desserts – as always the desserts you donate
help make this event a sweet success. We will still need you to sign up to
bring a dessert.
Grab’n’Go – we’re going to have a Grab’n’Go
board for donated gift cards. This will allow attendees who see a $50 gift card
(to Olive Garden for example) to pay full price and skip the auction altogether! We have many folks who attend, want to
support the band, and are happy to buy a gift card at full price to do so. You could ask your favorite restaurant for a
donation – see the “Soliciting 101”
for more detail! You’ll be able to use Sign Up Genius to choose a card and then
drop off the gift cards in the Red Mailbox marked Swingin’ Sweets.
Silent Auction – We are going to use the power of
Sign Up Genius to make the Silent Auction more of a success than ever. It can
be daunting to be asked to go out and solicit donations for the Auction. I
understand that. Please see “Soliciting 101” below.
of a couple people soliciting random items, we’re going to have Themed Basket Sign-ups! You will
receive a link in the next few days by email to sign up for the Auction Basket
of your choice. Each basket will have 2 sign up slots, which means that you can
partner with another family to create the basket of your choice or you can sign
up in both slots and commit to creating that basket on your own. You may
solicit donations or you may purchase items to fill the baskets. How you choose
to fill that “basket” is totally up to you!
Tailgate Basket
– family 1 and family 2 sign up and then coordinate with each other, deciding
to buy their items to donate a small cooler on wheels, snacks, blanket, and LHS
Band Tshirt. They decorate the cooler and artfully arrange the items in it.
Romantic Getaway
– family 3 and family 4 sign up; family 3 drops by a local hotel which donates
a one night stay, family 4 stops by their favorite restaurant and asks for a
gift card and walks out with a $50 donation. They tuck both gift certificates
into a cute tin that one of them had left over from Christmas.
Prom Pamper
– family 5 decides to do this one on their own and signs up for both slots.
They ask for and receive a gift card to a local nail salon for manicure and
pedicure and decide to buy a really pretty necklace and earring set, showing
them off in a pretty gift box.
asking that each basket have a retail value of at least $50. That way we’re not
swamped with a multitude of small baskets. There will be several basket themes
on Sign Up Genius.
if you’re interested in shadowing the current Swingin’ Sweets coordinator to
take over next year, please let me know. It’s perfect for a detailed, organized
person. It doesn’t have to be someone that wants to be on the Booster Board.
help out the jazz band and sign up to get donations for baskets to help the
silent auction and Grab 'n' Go. The Sign Up Genius will come through the
band booster organization email this weekend. If you do not receive that
email, you are not signed up with the boosters. Just send me and email
and I will get the info to you.
for your help with this endeavor. We hope Swingin' Sweets is as
successful as the dinner dance!
of Bands
High School
is helpful information from one of the volunteers that was highly successful
receiving donations.
the attached donation letter with you to businesses to ask for donations.
Keep track of who donated to you so that thank yous can be written.
· Having that Donation Letter is like the
key that opens the door for you. When you walk in the door of any store, with
that paper in your hand, it automatically garners their curiosity. They can
clearly see the band logo.
· Having had an extra cup of coffee this
morning, you have a smile on your face, you are happy to be there and you say
the following in your own words:
o Hi! I’m ________, and I’m a band mom(dad) with Liberty High School, just up Powers (just down Research, just
over at Research and Powers – your goal is to make it sound close by).
o My son(daughter) is in the Jazz band and they’re having a silent auction to raise money
to go to the Jazz festival in Greeley. (Hand them the piece of paper at
this point because they stop staring at you)
o Since this is one of our favorite
places to eat
(one of my favorite places to shop, my husband’s favorite place to get his
tools... why did you pick this place?) I
thought I’d drop by and see if you’d like to donate something for the auction.
Perhaps a (hotel room for a night/a gift card or coupon for half off/an
item that we can show that came from you so we may promote your
business/something from your clearance section even)
o Then pause, smile and wait.
o It’s ok to be nervous. I totally messed up at Biaggi’s,
stumbled over all my words, and they donated a $65 gift card anyhow!
o Sometimes they will take the paper and have to get back to
you. A Louie’s pizza employee took the paper, and we received gift cards for 4
free pizzas in the mail!
o Sometimes they will say no. That’s ok.
o Try someplace you’ve never been before – I walked into a
barber shop and told the owner I wanted something unique for the guys that
attend the auction and walked out with 5 free haircut coupons!
Jazz Swingin' Sweets Basket Signup
Hi Jazz families,
It's time for another fun filled event to support the Jazz bands. Be creative, have fun, and make this year's Swingin' Sweets the best ever.
Please see the two emails sent Friday evening Jan 22 from Mrs. Matzke. Lot's of great information and a lot of details about our event. Also the 2nd email has the attachment for the Donation Letter.
Please use the link below to the Sign Up Genius for the Swingin' Sweets Basket Signup. Please check the signup comments to see what others have done so we don't duplicate solicitations from the same places.
More details to come in the future about signing up for dessert donations and helping the actual night of the event.
If you have any questions please contact us. Thank you for your continued and dedicated support !
Sunday, January 10, 2016
AF Concessions - Friday Feb 5, 2016
Hello Band Parents,
We have another fun opportunity to volunteer for AFA Concessions. Come out and support the band program and have a little fun. Also encourage your kiddos to get those volunteer hours in.
This is one of our best, most consistent activities, it's indoors at Clune Arena, and takes only a little bit of time. The AF crowds love it when we are serving snacks, and the kids have a bunch of fun, too!
Students 16 and over in ALL bands, and ALL band parents are invited to get involved. We make hot dogs, nachos, pretzels, and popcorn, and sell bottled drinks and candies. If you've never done concessions, we will match you up with an experienced crew. The kids really do a great job with the work...parent role really is supervisory.
If you have not done so yet this season - AFA asks that we read the attached Food Handler's Training, and take the test on the last page. This is an annual requirement that keeps us all safe. Please return the last page. You can scan and email back to me donnybak@msn.com, or print and bring it with you the day of the event. All parents and students must take the test once per season before you can work.
Parents sign up using SignUpGenius using the link below.
Students Sign-up on the sheets that are posted on Matzke's door.
The next date is Friday Feb 5. Please click on the SignUp Genius link to sign up.
Friday, Feb 5
· Men's Hockey vs. RIT at 705 pm. Shift is 5:00pm-closing (likely done and out between 9 and 10pm).
Remember :
- Remember, students must be 16 years of age.
- You cannot bring anyone with you that is not signed up – spouses, siblings.
- Must arrive on time and must stay until all cleanup is complete and you are dismissed by the coordinator.
- Cannot bring food or drinks with you, you will be given a voucher for a free hot dog or $4 item. Anything else you need can be purchased. (You may bring a small water bottle that fits in your coat pocket or purse)
- On duty all hours – no reading or texting or other activities that will divert your attention.
- You must wear a hat (baseball cap) during your shift. Liberty gear preferred but optional.
If you can work these dates, click on the appropriate link above to sign up. If you are experienced and would like to be the Head Cashier, please email me directly to sign up.
Saturday, January 9, 2016
General Meeting, website
Hi Parents,
We have our next general booster meeting on Monday, Jan 11 at 630 PM. It will be held either in the auditorium or band room. I encourage all of you to come and hear about all the great things happening in the Liberty band program.
We will be opening up nominations for President, 1st Vice President, Communications Liaison, and Bookkeeper. If you have ever thought about serving on the booster board, this is a great time to learn more about the positions available.
We will have our first drawing for scrip that night, and there are always cards available for purchase. The lovely scrip ladies can help you sign up for a Great Lakes Scrip account, Presto Pay, and answer any questions you may have.
Check out the website! We have added a new page called news. Every email sent out by the boosters will be added to this page- just in case you missed an email, deleted one by accident, or just want to make sure you have the latest info.
If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me at 439-0606.
Thanks so much, see you on Monday!
Lee MacKay
LBB President
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