Sunday, September 23, 2018

This weeks Sewing dates and times

This weeks Sewing dates and times

This week's sewing dates and times are as follows:
Sewing times for this week.
Monday 9/24 11 AM - 2 PM
Tuesday 9/25 9:30 - 2 PM
Wednesday 9/26 6 PM - 9 PM
Thursday 9/27 9:30 - 2 PM
Friday 9/28 9:30 - 1 PM
We will be working on sewing the details for the rope mechanism to work on the white so that it can be ready for Friday or before.   We will also be cutting, pinning and sewing colors. 

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

SEWING DATES REVISED --- Wed & Thursday times switched.

SEWING DATES REVISED --- Wednesday and Thursday times switched

Due to the Academic Awards we will meet tomorrow,  we are switching our evening times to Thursday and our day time to Wednesday. 

So we will meet 
Wed 9/19  9:30 AM - 2:00 PM
Thurs 9/20 7-9 PM
Friday 9:30 - 2:00 PM
Sat 9AM - 12PM

As always come and go as you need during these times. We hope to see you there.

Food for football game and this weeks sewing dates

Food for football game and this weeks sewing dates

We are in need of help/donatons for the marching kids dinner between their rehearsal and dinner.  Please follow the link below to signup to help any way you can.  

Also in case you missed it ...the following are the sewing dates for this week.  Come and go as you need during these times.  Our goal is to finish the white so they can use them on Saturday. 
• Mon 9/17  6-9 PM
• Tues 9/18 9:30 AM - 2:00 PM
• Wed 9/19 6-9 PM
• Thurs 9/20 9:30 AM - 2:00 PM
• Fri 9/21 9:30 AM - 2:00 PM
• Sat 9/22  9 AM - 12 PM

We meet at Karla Kelsh’s house . 

Thanks for helping where you can....

This weeks schedule 9-17-18 post

This weeks schedule 9-17-18 post

Good morning everyone! Just a very quick reminder for this weeks schedule. Remember that Saturday's Football game got bumped up to a night game, it is no longer a day game.

Weekday rehearsal is as normal. Tues and Thurs are 3:30 to 6 and Weds is 3:15 to 5:30.

Saturday, September 22nd, rehearsal starts at 1 pm and runs until 4 pm. Then the Boosters will feed the kids dinner and then there is the LHS football game after that at 6 pm. The kids will do their Pep Band playing and then march during halftime and then Pep Band the second half. Look for an ending time of the game around 9. Mr. Hedding will send out a Remind about 15 min out on the pickup time of your student.

Questions? Give Mr. Hedding an email with those.

Sew-A-Thon and more 9-14-18 email

Sew-A-Thon and more  9-14-18 email

We have a huge project to make 51 large “fitted sheets” to fit on 17 backgrounds.     We have been sewing all week and currently, we are not quite third of the way done. We could use your help!  We need people who can run a sewing machine... you don’t have to be experienced at all... just guide the material through the machine.  We also need people to
•pin fabric together
• pull elastic through casings
•and even fold these big things 
We will be sewing the following times this coming week.   Please feel free to come and go during these times...we appreciate any time you can give.  Please give us a quick heads up on Facebook or email to let me know to expect you.   Feel free to bring a snack to share during the weekday sessions. 

• Saturday 9/15 (Sew-a-thon) 10AM-4PM.   (We will also Potluck  Brunch during this time to keep the energy up...🙂  We will clean up at 4:00 and head over to watch the final run through)
• Mon 9/17  6-9 PM
• Tues 9/18 9:30 AM - 2:00 PM
• Wed 9/19 6-9 PM
• Thurs 9/20 9:30 AM - 2:00 PM
• Fri 9/21 9:30 AM - 2:00 PM
• Sat 9/22  9 AM - 12 PM

We meet at Karla Kelsh’s house .   

The Band Dads will also be working tomorrow from 8 - 1 at LHS. There are a few jobs left to get done. So, drop in, have a donut and coffee and some great laughs.

Friday, September 14, 2018

Decals are back! You can fill out the order form and put the form and payment into the red mailbox. Each decal is $10 and can be personalized with your students name and instrument. Order forms can be found in the form holder next to the booster closet in the band room.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

General Meeting Summary - 9/11/18

General Meeting Summary - 9/11/18

Liberty Band Booster
General Membership Meeting
September 11, 2018

Donny Baker opened the meeting up and went over the details of what the missions of Liberty Band and the Boosters are. Liberty Bands mission is to provide a quality instrumental music education for all students. Liberty Band Boosters is a 501(c)(3), this gives the organization flexibility to do wonderful things for the bands at LHS.

Reeda Baturevich thanked all of those that have given time, food, batteries and so much more to the bands so far. So, if you were not there, THANK YOU for helping! She gave an insight into some upcoming events that we will need more help on. One of those is CBA Southern Regionals Marching Festival on October 17th at LHS. Here are few of the others opportunities she spoke about.
  • We are in need of managers for the AFA Concessions, this is one of the more fun ways to volunteer and raise money for the band. The only date we know as of this letter is Oct 25th, it is a hockey game.
  • Sewing Section - Now til the beginning of Oct - Sewing the sheets for the marching band props.
  • Building Section - Always going - Building/repairing/painting, really any needs of the band that require tools and lots of elbow grease.
  • Jazz Dinner Dance - November - Donations for food, auction baskets and more.

Crystal Ross went into greater detail on the needs for Regionals. Here are the high points from her talk.
  • This is the largest fundraiser for the LHS Band we have. It provides funds for ALL bands in the LHS Band Program.
  • Lots of jobs, keep an eye out for an email later this month. Please get involved.
  • Needs - Extension cords and power strips, Dinner for judges, Concessions items, Volunteer meals and snacks, ATVs – need use of 2 for the day and Additional needs we’ll add to Sign Up Genius.

Lesley Kelly gave information on the financial aspect and health of Liberty Band Boosters. We are in the black and on track to meet the budget set. If you have further questions on this part, please contact Lesley via the Liberty Band Boosters email.

Amy Kreimeyer let us in on what is going on in fundraising land. Here are the high points of the knowledge she laid upon us.
  • Scrip/Scrip Now - make your everyday spending work for your students accounts needs. This is the easiest and truly most impactful this you can do to get the money for your child's band needs. Here a link to a video that goes deeper into how Scrip works.
  • Entertainment Books - These are discount coupons in a book that cover a great number of things, Book runs $30 and your student gets $12 of that for every book they sell. This is happening right now. If you have not seen the info on these come home with your student, please get in contact with Amy.
  • Greenery - there will be more info coming on this in late October.

Sandy Weber went over the uniform care for both marching uniforms and concert uniforms. PLEASE if you have not seen the care instructions, go here: , scroll down and you can find the sare instructions you seek.

Clay Allison touched on communications, things like emails, Facebook and Remind. If you need help on getting signed up for Remind go here:


The directors of the band took a quick moment to clean office. Sean Hedding asked that everyone gets involved in Scrip, it is easy money into your student's account. He also reminded every one of the Dallas Due dates (Oct 1st, Nov 15th, Jan 15th) if you have any questions or concerns with Dallas, please email Mr. Hedding ASAP. Sarah Romero thanked everyone for the kindness that has been shown to her. She loves her new position here with LHS Band and loves teaching music to your wonderful children.

Donny ended the meeting with a reminder that the next meeting is November 7th and we need a great turn out at these meetings. We as LBB provide a ton of info at these and it is great to see the wonderful faces of this band family.

Liberty Band Boosters

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Liberty Band General Booster Meeting

  • Don't forget our General Booster meeting Tuesday, September 11th at 6:30 PM in the LHS auditorium.  
  • Discover what our band family is about and become informed and involved.
  • There were will be scrip and King Soopers cards available, and also spirit wear so bring your check book.  
  • There will also be window decals available for ordering.

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Regional Ads Opportunities

Hello Band Families,
I am coordinating advertisements for the souvenir program for the 2018 CBA Southern Region State Qualifying Marching Festival on Wednesday, October 17th, hosted by Liberty Band. This marching band competition is held at D20 Stadium and is a great fundraiser that benefits our entire band organization.

 I need your help in two regards.

First, for those that own a business, please consider buying an advertisement and sponsoring a trophy in our 2018 Regional program. To receive priority as Liberty Band affiliated advertisers just make a commitment as soon as possible. If it is appropriate for your business, coupons are encouraged with your advertisement to increase the value for both your business and the viewer. Please email me, Kerrie Weitzel (contact information at end) and do not reply to Mr. Hedding or the band boosters.

Second, I also need your help identifying additional businesses that could advertise. Please consider those you know who own a business (employers and friends), or if there is a business you love that you think others should know about. Please share a referral, and I can officially approach them about advertising.
The details for advertising are below.

Orders, advertisement, and payment are due by Wednesday, September 12, 2018.
 Please make checks payable to LHS Band and mail to Liberty Band Boosters, PMB 226, 3472 Research Pkwy, Suite 104, Colorado Springs, CO 80920. An invoice will be provided upon request.

Souvenir Program Advertising & Trophy Sponsor Rates:
Half page ad, B&W: $75 (4.75” wide x 3.25 high)
Full page ad, B&W: $100 (4.75” wide x 7.75” high)
 Full page ad, Color: $125 (4.75” wide x 7.75” high, very limited availability)
Trophy sponsorship: $200 – includes 3 trophies for one of the divisions (1A-5A) and a free color, full-page ad

Each ad image should be sent in either color or black and white as a .jpg file at 300 dpi. The program will be viewed by approximately 2,000 people at the competition, reaching people from the entire southern Colorado region. In addition to the ad in the program, advertisers will be given additional thanks as Liberty Band sponsors in all concert band programs throughout the year (approximately 12 programs). Your ad will also be featured once during the school year in the Liberty Band Boosters Facebook group.

The deadline for orders and payment of ads is September 12, 2018.

 Contact Information:
 Kerrie Weitzel

Band Concerts Date Change

Hello Band Families!

It was brought to our attention that there was a pretty significant error in our band calendar that was published on the band website, and further disseminated, and we wanted to make everyone aware as soon as possible in an attempt to give everyone as much time as possible to work any scheduling conflicts.

Our First Quarter Concerts will be the following Dates/Times:

Monday October 1st- Blue Day
Jazz Band 1, Jazz Band 2 Concert
7:00 Start Time

Tuesday October 2nd- Red Day
Concert Band 2, Symphonic Band
7:30 Start Time (Later start time to accommodate Marching Band students)

Wednesday October 3rd- Blue Day
Financial Aid Night at LHS in Auditorium
Senior parents should attend if your student is planning on Attending College

Thursday October 4th- Red Day
Concert Band 1, Wind Ensemble
7:30 Start Time (Later start time to accommodate Marching Band Students)

This calendar change has already been made to the Google Calendar on the band website, and I will update the formal band calendar document today (hopefully no later than LHS lunch time).

I'm so, so, so terribly sorry about this clerical error; it is entirely my fault and I can't apologize enough.  If this schedule change results in an un-resolvable scheduling conflict that will result in your student not being able to make their concert,  please let me know as soon as possible so we can work on a plan so your student's grade is not impacted.  

Lastly, I humbly request that you view the attachment that accompanies this email. (Posted in the next post)  It is in regards to advertising in the program that we sell at the Marching Regional (which we host).  The program is an important part of an important day, which is VERY profitable for the entire band program...while it is a marching band event, the proceeds benefit the ENTIRE band program.   

Again, I'm terribly sorry about the calendar.


Sean Hedding
Director of Bands