Thursday, August 31, 2017

Marching band Blast 8-31-17

Hello Marching Band Families,

Upcoming Calendar dates:
Sept.1st Friday night football game with Timberview 8th graders is tomorrow night!!! Our amazing kids will be performing at half time! 
Sept. 6th  will be our next General meeting for all band boosters. This will be at 6:30 pm at LHS (usually these are in the auditorium, signs will be posted if the location changes) We look forward to seeing you!  

Entertainment book sales are ending on Sept. 8th. Please return money that has been collected to the red mailbox. Any unsold books can be given to Mrs. Matzke or Mrs. Kreimeyer. Also we do have more books in stock so if you need extras you can send an email to the band boosters. 

March-a-thon forms have been mailed and we have been receiving several donations. We will have receipts of the donations  available at the upcoming concerts so your students can send thank-you notes. 

The next Scrip order due date will be Tuesday, September 5.  Orders must be dropped of in the red mailbox by the end of  the school day or submitted online by 8PM on Tuesday, September 5.  For more information on the Scrip program click Liberty.Band Scrip or contact Shawna Shepherd at  For a list of retailers and current promotions please click ShopWithScrip  Orders placed on September 5will be available for pick up in the band room after school on Friday, September 8.

Wind Ensemble and Symphonic parents don't forget to order your Tuxedo shirts for the guys.  Your son should have come home with a paper that has his size on it. 
If you are planning on ordering your daughter's concert dress you can go to  she should have also come home with a paper that has her size on it. 

Thanks for supporting the band!
Jennifer Thomas LBB Secretary 

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