Thursday, August 31, 2017

Marching band Blast 8-31-17

Hello Marching Band Families,

Upcoming Calendar dates:
Sept.1st Friday night football game with Timberview 8th graders is tomorrow night!!! Our amazing kids will be performing at half time! 
Sept. 6th  will be our next General meeting for all band boosters. This will be at 6:30 pm at LHS (usually these are in the auditorium, signs will be posted if the location changes) We look forward to seeing you!  

Entertainment book sales are ending on Sept. 8th. Please return money that has been collected to the red mailbox. Any unsold books can be given to Mrs. Matzke or Mrs. Kreimeyer. Also we do have more books in stock so if you need extras you can send an email to the band boosters. 

March-a-thon forms have been mailed and we have been receiving several donations. We will have receipts of the donations  available at the upcoming concerts so your students can send thank-you notes. 

The next Scrip order due date will be Tuesday, September 5.  Orders must be dropped of in the red mailbox by the end of  the school day or submitted online by 8PM on Tuesday, September 5.  For more information on the Scrip program click Liberty.Band Scrip or contact Shawna Shepherd at  For a list of retailers and current promotions please click ShopWithScrip  Orders placed on September 5will be available for pick up in the band room after school on Friday, September 8.

Wind Ensemble and Symphonic parents don't forget to order your Tuxedo shirts for the guys.  Your son should have come home with a paper that has his size on it. 
If you are planning on ordering your daughter's concert dress you can go to  she should have also come home with a paper that has her size on it. 

Thanks for supporting the band!
Jennifer Thomas LBB Secretary 

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

News Blast 8-22-17

Week two of the wonderful school year is upon us!! Don't forget that our first football game is this Friday and we need to be there to cheer on our LHS band and football team.  

Parent show shirts will be handed out tonight Tuesday 8-22-17 at the end of rehearsal.  Please swing by or have your student pick up the shirts that you ordered. 

Scrip Orders

The scrip order dates for next month will September 5 & 19.  More information will come out the week before the orders are due.

Hello Band Families,
I am coordinating advertisements for the souvenir program for the 2017 CBA Southern Region State Qualifying Marching Festival on October 18th, hosted by Liberty Band.  This marching band competition is held at D20 Stadium and is a great fundraiser that benefits our entire band organization.
I need your help in two regards.
First, for those that own a business, please consider buying an advertisement and sponsoring a trophy in our 2017 Regional program. 
Second, I also need your help identifying additional businesses that could advertise.  Please consider those you know who own a business (employers and friends), or if there is a business you love that you think others should know about.  Please share a referral, and I can officially approach them about advertising.
The details for advertising are below.
Orders, advertisement and payment are due by Wednesday, September 20, 2017.  Please make checks payable to LHS Band and mail to: Liberty Band Boosters, PMB 226, 3472 Research Pkwy, Suite 104, Colorado Springs, CO 80920.  An invoice will be provided upon request.
Souvenir Program Advertising & Trophy Sponsor Rates:
Half page ad, B&W: $75 (4.75” wide x 3.25 high)
Full page ad, B&W: $100 (4.75” wide x 7.75” high)
Full page ad, Color:  $125 (4.75” wide x 7.75” high, very limited availability)
Trophy sponsorship: $10 per trophy, prefer sponsorship of an entire group, 3 trophies per group, 1A – 5A
Each ad should be a black and white image as .jpg file at 300 dpi.  
The program will be viewed by approximately 2,000 people at the competition, reaching people from the entire southern Colorado region.  In addition to the ad in the program, advertisers will be given additional thanks as Liberty Band sponsors in all concert band programs throughout the year (approximately 12 programs).
The deadline for orders and payment of ads is September 23, 2016.
Contact Information:
Kerrie Weitzel

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Hello Marching Band Parents!
Can you believe that our first football game is less than a week away?  Our kids are working so hard and the show is going to be AMAZING!  The kids will be staying after school for our first game, August 25.  We need your help!  We will be serving them sloppy joes, chips and cookies/brownies. Below is a sign up requesting food prep from home or donations.  I will be bringing 3 10lb tubes of hamburger meat to be prepared and brought back to the school on Thursday after rehearsal.  I will be in the band room or you can arrange to drop off at my home (which is right up the hill from Timberview).  We also need cupcakes for September 1st.  On that day, we will be serving pizza, salad and cupcakes.  This is also the Timberview 8th Grade Night!  All of the kids, both high school and the 8th graders, look forward to this evening!  Below is the signup for food donation and at home preparation:
Also on these days, I will need helpers for in school food prep and serving.  On August 25th, the contact will be Penny Bullard and on September 1st, the contact will be me.  Below is the signup for the in school food prep and serving for August 25 and September 1:
Please go to the above listed signups to help!  You will be so glad you did!  If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me!
Renee Deichman
President and Food Lead for Bands

Thursday, August 17, 2017

News Blast August 17,2017

New Blast August 17,2017

Hello to our wonderful band family this is some important information that we have for you this week.  Please take time to read and volunteer if your are 
available to do so!!!


Our Entertainment book fundraiser has really taken off! Great job selling everyone!  Monday Aug 21st before school in the band room will be our first turn in date. Please have your child bring in any extra entertainment books that you have that you do not think that you will be selling. We have families waiting for more books. Also you can send in any book money that you have at this time as well. I will be in the band room starting at 7am. Thanks Amy 

Concert Dress/Uniform Fittings 2017

We need volunteers to help with Concert Dress/Uniform fittings on
Monday August 21 from 745 am - 920 am and also from 115 pm - 245pm
Wednesday August 23 from 745 am - 920 am and also from 115 pm - 245pm
We will be fitting both dresses and tuxes and measuring for shirts.

2017 Marching Band Specialized Group Contact List
This sign up has tabs across the top.
Please choose the tab for the category (described below) you are interested in by August 20th

If you signed up at band camp your name has already been added. 

Sewing Moms - The Sewing Moms led by Kerry Weitzel can use all skill levels to sew and repair anything needed by the band.   If you are interested in receiving emails about this group please add your name and email by Sunday August 20th.   After that date Kerry will be given a compiled email list to contact you about dates and times as they become available.  This group always has a lot of fun and is a great way to get to know other moms.

Interested in Chaperoning Marching Season 2017 - If you are interested in chaperoning during the school 2017 Marching Band season for games, competitions, or both please add your name and email by Sunday August 20th.   After that date, a compiled email list will be given to the head chaperone, Nico Mason, to contact you about dates and times for training and slots available for chaperoning. 

Food Crew 2017 - The Food Crew is led by Renee Deichman.  We make and/or serve meals at all are in state competitions as well as before a few of football games.   If you are interested in receiving emails about this group please add your name and email before Sunday August 20th.   After that date Renee will be given a compiled email list to contact you about dates and times as they become available.  This group always has a lot of fun and is a great way to get to know other band parents as well as the kids.

High Pod Tower Crew 2017 - The High Pod Tower Crew is looking for a couple of underclassman parents to assist Donny Baker and Dave Bullard with the High Pod Tower during marching practices (usually Tues/Thurs but maybe a few more as well)    If you are interested in receiving emails about this group please add your name and email before Sunday August 20th.   After that date, Donny will be given a compiled email list to contact you about training, as well as dates and times.   

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Marching Band Blast August 8, 2017

Hello Marching Band Families,

Here is our latest information from our band boosters.  Lots of information please read the entire email.

Entertainment Books
We are in full swing with this years entertainment book fundraiser! If you have sold your books and need more let us know and we can get those to you. If you have money you can put into the red mailbox. 
If you have books that you will not be selling we are having a turn in date. It will be before school on Aug 21st. Please return books that you will not be selling so that we can get them to families that need them. 

March a thon
Your student should have brought home their packets with the flyers. Please have your student return the filled out flyers to the band room if they have not already done this. We will cover the postage and get them mailed out to your family and friends. This is one of our biggest fundraisers of the year, but we need your help to make this happen. Please encourage your student to get them turned in. During March a thon we will be raffling off prizes for those who have participated.

Parent show shirts 
Tomorrow night (Wed) will be the last day that we will be able to accept orders for parent show shirts. Please send your orders and money with your student to practice tomorrow night. We will not be placing a second order, so this is your last chance to show your Marching band pride.

Music and Arts Training
Volunteer training for Music and Arts Rental Nights is Wednesday, August 9, from 6pm - 8pm in the Band Room (during your kids' rehearsal).
Training is a 2 hour session at LHS Band Room to show volunteers how to properly help others fill out the instrument rental contract form.
Volunteers will help families complete instrument rental contracts at several Middle and Elementary School rental nights.

Actual sessions will be approximately 3 hours sessions at various locations to fill out the instrument rental contract forms.  Sign Ups for these will come soon in a separate Sign Up.

LHS Band will earn $50 per person per session for your help.  A great way to help make $$ for the band program for just a little bit of your time.  The Band Directors will use this toward the purchase of an instrument or supplies.

We need 15 or more volunteers to be trained; that way no one will have to work every event. You must receive training to work.  If you received training last year; you still need to attend because Music and Arts may have made changes to the contract and process.  Older siblings (college age or over 18) are welcome!

If you would like to help or just want to find out more about it, please come to this training/informational meeting.  Please sign up using the signup genius below:
Thank you for your continued support!


The next Scrip order due date will be Tuesday, August 15.  Orders must be submitted online by 8PM or dropped of in the red mailbox by the end of  the school day on Tuesday, August 15.  For more information on the Scrip program click Liberty.Band Scrip or contact Shawna Shepherd at  For a list of retailers and current promotions please click ShopWithScrip  Orders placed on August 15 will be available for pick up in the band room after school on Friday, August 18.

Thanks to our wonderful marching band parents!!!!