Monday, May 29, 2017

Mini Band Camp Volunteers 2017

Hope you have all had a great Memorial Day weekend. 

Thanks all who have signed up so far.  We still need some volunteers for Mini Camp (General volunteers and Uniform Measuring) and also Grillers and Grills for the BBQ.  See link in original email.

If you can help at all you help is deeply appreciated.

Also, Don't forget to send your form and money ($6 per person) with your student on this first day, Wednesday, May 31.  Turn into Red Mailbox in the band room.

We look forward to seeing you all.

Liberty Band Boosters

 Sun, May 21, 2017 at 7:28 PM, LHS Band Boosters <> wrote:
Hello Marching Band Families!
Welcome all new families and “veteran” families alike.
Mini Camp is upon us in less than 10 days!  Marching Band Mini Camp is Wed May 31 - Fri June 2.  Volunteering is a great way to become a part of our great band family.
 To volunteer, just use the following link to Sign Up Genius and sign up!     
We have the following volunteering needs for Mini Camp May 31 - June 2, 2017.
 Wednesday thru Friday, May 31 thru June 2
·         2 Adult Volunteers from 10 am - 12 pm (945 arrival for setup)

·         2 Middle School (Or 1 Middle School with 1 adult) Volunteers from 1130 am-1230 pm to sell snacks/sodas during lunch
·         2 Adult Volunteers from 12-2 pm
·         2 Adult Volunteers from 2-4 pm
·         Jobs include supporting our Band Directors and Staff, setting up and taking down shade shelters, filling/refilling water coolers, taking care of minor illnesses and injuries, clerical tasks, organizing in the band room, organizing, bbq setup, taking down shelters at end of day.
Wednesday and Thursday May 31 thru June 1
·         5 Adult Volunteers/Uniforms from 10 am - 12 pm
·         5 Adult Volunteers/Uniforms from 12-2 pm
·         5 Adult Volunteers/Uniforms from 2-4 pm
·         Jobs include measuring for uniforms and fitting shoes.
Family BBQ Help Needed on June 2
·         1 Volunteer able to borrow volleyball net/games from Outdoor Rec (USAFA).
·         1 Adult Volunteer to ensure grills are clean and in position by 3pm- arrive at 230
·         Additional gas grills  - We need 3 total – We have 2 grills but they are only in fair condition, If you can bring one (larger size) it would be a great help - the Boosters will provide propane.  Be there by 230.
·         3 Adult Volunteers arriving at 315 pm to grill.
·         2 Adult Volunteers arriving at 400 for food prep.
·         10 Adult Volunteers arriving at 515 pm for set up and serving.
 ·         12 Donations of 2 dozen servings of nut free desserts (generous portions please!)
Please send desserts with your student on Friday morning June 2. Please label with you name -- A great way to help if your schedule does not allow you to be there!
 Please check your schedule to see how you can help
To volunteer, just use the following link to Sign Up Genius and sign up!  
We all look forward to meeting our new families and working with all of you this year!  Thank you for your help, we cannot be successful without you!
Contact for any questions.

Liberty Band Boosters

Thursday, May 4, 2017

End of Year Band Banquet

Lastly, Don't forget to sign up to attend the End of the Year Band banquet. This is an evening for every family that has participated in any of the bands this year. The evening will include dinner, an award ceremony and dancing. This will be an evening to relax, hang out with your favorite band family, and celebrate all that the Liberty band program has accomplished this year! (and we have accomplished A LOT!)
Banquet forms are due Friday May 5th. Forms and payment can be turned into the red mailbox 

Monday, May 1, 2017

Hello Band Parents, 
This is a reminder that we will be having our May General Booster meeting on Thursday, May 4th at 6:30 at LHS. We will be voting on new board members and hearing about what is going on with our very busy band program. We look forward to seeing you on Thurs. Attached to this email are the minutes from the previous General meeting. 

For Marching band parents: Tuesday at 6:30 is the last scheduled Mandatory meeting for parents of students that will be in marching band for the 17-18 school year. If you have not already attended one of the meeting last week, please plan to attend on Tuesday evening.

Lastly, Don't forget to sign up to attend the End of the Year Band banquet. This is an evening for every family that has participated in any of the bands this year. The evening will include dinner, an award ceremony and dancing. This will be an evening to relax, hang out with your favorite band family, and celebrate all that the Liberty band program has accomplished this year! (and we have accomplished A LOT!)
Banquet forms are due Friday May 5th. Forms and payment can be turned into the red mailbox 

Amy Kreimeyer 
LBB secretary