We hope you are all doing well and staying healthy.
Below is some information for you all. Please read.
Our next General Booster Meeting was scheduled for Monday May 11. In the current state of Safer at Home, we'll be sending any pertinent information via email.
Booster Board 2020-21
Each year we select 4 of the 8 member board members for a two year term. These need to be voted in/approved by the general population of the Liberty Band Boosters. Please use the link below to go to the form to approve/disapprove the new members. Thank you for your continued support.
Senior Parents
If you have new siblings coming into Liberty Band next year, please email libertybandboosters@gmail.com with subject Senior Rollover to Sibling so that our bookkeeper can rollover the Student Allocation fund appropriately. If you do not email us, the funds will roll into the general band fund and will not be available for your student.
Other Info
Any other information pertinent to the General Meeting will be forthcoming soon. Please watch for our messages.
Upcoming events and Calendar
Please watch for very important announcements from Ms. Romero about upcoming meetings and events regarding 2020 Marching Band and any other calendar and band related information.
If you have any questions, please reach out at
Music soothes the soul.
Keep those kids practicing and the music playing !!!
Liberty Band Boosters