Friday, September 20, 2019

A Look Ahead (9.20.19)

Sept 21
7:30AM-12:30 PM
Band areas
Pit/Stage Crew – Volunteers
Sept 21
9:30 AM –3:30 PM
Band Room
Sept 21
9:30 AM
Teacher’s lounge
Sept 21
12:15 ish
Sept 24
3:30 - 6 PM
Liberty Bus Lot
Marching Rehearsal - students
Sept 24
7:30 - 9 PM
Sept 24
9 PM – 10 PM
Frozen Yogurt Fundraiser after the concert
Sept 25
3:15 – 5:15 PM
Liberty Bus Lot 
Marching Rehearsal - students
Sept 26 
3:30 – 6 PM
Liberty Bus Lot 
Marching Rehearsal - students
Sept 26
7:30 - 9 PM
Sept 26 
9 PM – 10 PM
Frozen Yogurt Fundraiser after the concert
Sept 28
Sept 29

All dates
All info
And Past Emails
 Go to or Click on     or

****all dates, times are subject to change at the discretion/request of the directors****

Looking Forward
·         Oct 1 – Jazz Concert concert
·         Oct 5  – Douglas County Marching Invitational (DCMI)
·         Mark your calendars/request the day off  to help at Regionals  - Oct 16th
Thank you to all who attended our meeting on Wednesday!   Attached to the email you received is a pdf of the slides from the meeting.  They cover some of the highlights discussed at the meeting.  If you have a questions on them, feel free to contact a board member at

Thursday, September 19, 2019

MARCHING BAND - Sept. 21 schedule

Liberty Band Booster Meeting 9/18 @ 6:30 PM

A quick reminder Liberty Band Booster Meeting is tomorrow Wed, Sept 18th at 6:30 PM in the Auditorium and you are invited!  If you have a student in any of the bands at Liberty High School, you are a member of our booster organization.  We will love to have you there!  

It is our goal to  help keep you informed on many of the things happening this year with Concert bands, Jazz bands, and Marching band. One of the ways we do that is through these meetings every other month during the school year, so please plan on attending and bring your questions. 

Come  a bit early (or stay a few minutes after)  and bring your checkbook.   We will have spirit wear, scrip stock for sale.  The bookkeeper will be there to accept BOA payments. Also there will be people to help you sign up for King Soopers. 

Please find the attached meeting minutes from our meeting in May.

Thanks and we hope to see you there!
Liberty Band Boosters

Calendar Link

For Link to LBB Google Calendar Click HERE

Wednesday, September 18, 2019


It's almost time for another awesome performance by the Liberty Lancers Marching Band!  We are looking for a few donations and volunteers to help with lunch on Saturday.  Check out the signup for details.

Thank you,
Beth Foster
Liberty Band Boosters

Friday, September 13, 2019

Sept 14
7:30 AM- 5 PM
Band areas
Construction – Volunteers
Sept 14
8 AM- 3:30 PM
5830 Leon Young Drive
Sewing and more – Volunteers
Sept 14
8 AM – 5 PM
Liberty Bus Lot
‘Band Day’ MB Rehearsal
Sept 14
4 PM
Liberty Bus Lot
Kona Ice Truck
Sept 14
4:45 PM
Liberty Bus Lot
Performance for Parents
Sept 17
9 AM – 2 PM
5830 Leon Young Drive 
Sewing and more - Volunteers
Sept 17
3:30 - 6 PM
Liberty Bus Lot 
Marching Rehearsal - students
Sept 18
9 AM – 2 PM
5830 Leon Young Drive 
Sewing and more - Volunteers
Sept 18
3:15 – 5:15 PM
Liberty Bus Lot 
Marching Rehearsal - students
Sept 18
6:30 PM
Band Booster Meeting  - All Parents
Sept 19
9 AM – 2 PM
5830 Leon Young Drive 
Sewing and more - Volunteers
Sept 19 
3:30 – 6 PM
Liberty Bus Lot 
Marching Rehearsal - students
Sept 21
9 AM- 5 PM
Band areas
Marching Rehearsal and football game

All dates
All info
And Past Emails
 Go to or Click on

****all dates, times are subject to change at the discretion/request of the directors****

Looking Forward
·         Sept 24 – Symphonic Band and Concert Band 2 concert
·         Sept 26 – Wind and Concert Band 1 Concert
·         Sept 28 – Legacy Competition
·         Mark your calendars/request the day off  to help at Regionals  - Oct 16th

Additional Information
  • YOU are invited to the booster general meeting on Sept 18th at 6:30 in the Auditorium.  This meeting is for all parents in all the concert bands, marching band, jazz bands, and color guard.  We will have value information on variety of subjects.  Please try to come and so you can hear more about what we have planned the coming year, fundraising, concerts, competitions, and King Soopers/scrip explanations.  Feel free to bring your questions as well.   LBB Bookkeeper, Scrip stock, Spritwear will all be there to help as well.  Bring your checkbook if you are interested in any of those. 
  • Band Day rehearsal (tomorrow) -  Please don’t forget to send your student with a sack lunch, sunscreen, a large water bottle, and money for Kona Ice ( see ad below).   A morning and afternoon snack will be provided by the boosters.
  • Just a quick reminder that tomorrow Kona Ice at the LHS bus lot at 4. Send your marcher with money, they will get a chance to have a treat as well tomorrow! It’s going to get warm tomorrow, so drop by get a cool treat and stay and watch the best marching band at 4:45!!! FYI...they will march some stuff you did not see last night! 

Kona Ice

No photo description available.
Just a quick reminder that tomorrow Kona Ice at the LHS bus lot at 4. Send your marcher with money, they will get a chance to have a treat as well tomorrow! It’s going to get warm tomorrow, so drop by get a cool treat and stay and watch the best marching band!!! FYI...they will march some stuff you did not see last night! BAM!!!

Sewing Update


SEWING: Karla Kelsch’s House (5830 Leon Young Drive)
Friday, Sept 12: 9:00 am - 2:00 pm
Saturday, Sept 13 (Band Sewing Day): 8:00 am to 3:30 pm
Come and go as you need to. Potluck lunch on Saturday. Bring something to share. There is still SEW much to do but it's going to be AMAZING.

Have a great weekend!
Beth Foster
Liberty Band Boosters

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Sewing Update!


SEWING this week!  Karla Kelsch’s House (5830 Leon Young Drive)

Wednesday, Thursday (maybe Friday):  9:00 am - 2:00 pm
Saturday (Sew-a-thon):  8:00 am to 3:30 pm

The goal this week is to finish assembling the Sun Rays and we need everyone’s help.  There is lots of pinning and stitching to do!

Come and go as you need to.  This part of the process is SEW much fun to see everything coming together.

Thank you!
Beth Foster
Liberty Band Boosters

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Liberty Band Day (formally known as March-a-Thon) is finally here!!!!

Hello All-

Liberty Band Day (formally known as March-a-Thon) is finally here!!!!

Yesterday, your students received the kick-off communication and details for our biggest fundraiser of the year!
Liberty Band Day is an opportunity for our supporters to donate to an incredibly good cause – Liberty Bands! Again, this fundraiser is open to ALL bands! Your student will have the opportunity to ask for donations from their supporters through mail AND email this year!
As you know, it takes a village – and money to do great things for our kiddos. This year, our goal is to raise $15,000 by 9/20! These funds will assist with MANY needed items, such as music, competition entrance fees, transportation, and much more!
How can you help to make this goal a reality for the kids? Attached is a document that will assist in your student’s communication in asking for support (document can be personalized to include your recipient's name in MS Word). Choose which one works best for you – OR – do both!
1. Email Option
a. Download and customize to your student (customization options are highlighted for your convenience).
b. Email your contacts! Reach far and wide to all your loved ones and family! We have great supporters everywhere!

2.Mail Option
a. Download, print, and mail this document to your family and friends asking for their support – OR –
b. Send your student to school on Monday ready with addresses and we will provide them with a pre-stamped envelope!

Just like all Liberty Bands fundraisers, your student will receive 40% of the donation – which will go directly into their allocation fund.

Liberty Band Day Launches TODAY and runs for TWO weeks until 9/20.We will accept donations beyond that date, however if you are focused on raising money for the St. Louis trip in particular, we will only use donations that are turned in by 9/20!

Let’s start spreading the word and provide as much support as possible for this GREAT band program and our AMAZING students! Ready – Set – GO!

Dear Liberty Lancer Family and Community, 
We need your help! 
Having a competitive band is an expensive (but very rewarding) program. Only about 10% of the costs are covered by the school, leaving it up to the students, parents, and fundraisers like this one, to cover the remaining 90%. 
This year, the Liberty High School Bands is launching their largest fundraiser of the year, Liberty Band Day! This event allows for Liberty Band families and friends to donate to the program so that your students can accomplish an award-winning season! 
Last year, Liberty Bands had a phenomenal season winning many awards to include a Superior distinction at CBA for Wind Ensemble and 2nd place in the state competition for the marching band!  
This year, we are planning an equally epic year and to make these experiences exceptional for your children, our goal is to raise $15,000 by 9/20/19! While we will continue to accept donations past this date, please note that if you intend to help fund a marching band student’s trip to MO, the donation would be most helpful if received by 9/20/19. 
We now have TWO ways for you to donate!
  1. Fill out and return the removable portion of this brochure along with your tax-deductible donation by 9/20/19. 
    1. Please make checks payable to Liberty Band Boosters with “Liberty Band Day” and your student’s name written in the memo.  
  2. Go online to and follow the below steps to complete your tax-deductible donation:
    1. Enter the following into your internet browser:
    2. Scroll down the page and click on the amount you wish to donate
    3. Follow the prompts to check out and enter your payment method
    4. Enter your student’s name into the “add additional note to merchant” field – don’t forget! This is how the student receives their share of the donation! 
Benefits of Donating: 
  1. Your donation helps BOTH the student you are supporting AND the general band program!
    1. 40% of your donation goes to the band student and 60% goes to the band program.
      1. Example: A $100 donation to Jane Smith = $40 will go into Jane’s student allocation fund (which helps her pay for her trips and other select fees) and $60 goes to the band program (paying for essential band items like music, transportation, etc.)
  2. Your donation helps out in SO many ways! Below is a small list of items your donation will help with:
  • Music
  • Competition entrance fees 
  • Transportation: busses and trucks
  • Staff & Clinicians 
  • Instruments 
  • Equipment upkeep 
  1. Your donation is tax-deductible!
Please return this portion in the pre-paid envelope along with your donation. Please make checks payable to “Liberty Band Boosters” with “Liberty Band Day and student’s name written in the memo line. 
Amount of Donation: ________________________Name of Student: _________________________________________
Name of Person(s) Donating: ____________________________________________________________
Thank you for supporting me and the Liberty Band program! Supporters like YOU helps ME to be successful!

Dear Name of recipient,
I am an active member of the Liberty Band program at Liberty High School. Last year, Liberty Bands had a phenomenal season winning many awards to include a Superior distinction at CBA for Wind Ensemble and 2nd place in the state competition for the marching band!  This year, we are planning an equally epic year!
Liberty Bands and I need your help!
Being in a competitive band is an expensive (but very rewarding) program. Only about 10% of the costs are covered by the school, leaving it up to the students, parents, and fundraisers like the this one, to cover the remaining 90%.
This year, the Liberty High School Bands is launching their largest fundraiser of the year, Liberty Band Day! This event allows for Liberty Band families and friends to donate to the program so that we can accomplish another award-winning season!
To participate in all of the great opportunities for this year, our goal is to raise $15,000 by 9/20/19!
The Liberty Band program now has an EASY and ONLINE way for you to donate!
1.       Go online to and follow the below steps to complete your tax-deductible donation:
a.       Enter the following into your internet browser:

b.      Scroll down the page and click on the amount you wish to donate

c.       Follow the prompts to check out and enter your payment method

d.      Enter your student’s name into the “add additional note to merchant” field – don’t forget! This is how the student receives their share of the donation!
Benefits of Donating:
1.       Your donation helps both ME and the general band program!
a.       40% of your donation goes to me and 60% goes to the band program.
      i.      Example: A $100 donation to me = $40 will go into my student allocation fund (which helps me pay for trips and other select fees) and $60 goes to the band program (paying for essential band items like music, transportation, etc.)
2.       Your donation helps out in SO many ways! Some of the items your donation pays for are:
·         Music
·         Competition entrance fees
·         Transportation: busses and trucks
·         Staff & Clinicians
·         Instruments
·         Equipment upkeep
·         And so much more!
3.       Your donation is tax-deductible!
Thank you for supporting me and the Liberty Band program! Supporters like YOU helps ME to be successful!
Student’s Name