Monday, June 3, 2019

Mini Band Camp

Mini Band Camp

Hello 2019 Marching Parents,
Mini Band Camp is in just a few days and we are gearing up. Things will be a bit different this year to you veterans. To you who are just getting started please know some things this year are a first for all of us.  We ask for your flexibility, patience, and positive attitude as we go about making adjustments in not having our normal  building to operate out of this summer.  I am writing you this email to let you know of the following few things.

First, is just to let know that we are still accepting BBQ reservations through Wednesday.  I have attached the flyer.  Since there is no red mailbox at the stadium, please place flyer and payment in an envelope and have your student hand it to their section leader first thing that morning.  I will collect it from them and get to Elizabeth Hodson. As a quick reminder, please bring your own camp chairs and blankets to the BBQ for you and your family.  

Second, is that as per usual we need volunteer help during mini band camp. Jobs may be slightly different than you are used to because of the different venue.  Please know that the Liberty Band Booster organization exists to help support our directors, their staff and our kids.  That means that we rely on people like you to help us build a successful mini camp and a successful program for our kids to participate in.  It is said that many hands make light work which it is true, but I also invite you to come, participate and you will soon find you are working alongside an amazing group of people known affectionately as our band family.  Please click the link below,  check your schedules, and sign up where you can.  

Lastly, this is the first time we are using this new list for the 2019 Marching Band.  If things have changed in your household since you filled out the online form, please let me know and I will make the necessary corrections.  

If you have questions, please don't hesitate to ask at  Thank you all so very much!  I am so looking forward to seeing you all soon and for this marching season to get under way!