Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Hey, they gotta eat sometime... and we could use your help

Hello Marching Parents,

Well we are getting close to that time where we will be having our first football game and thus our first marching performance.  We will be feeding the kids dinner between rehearsal and the football game on Aug 30th.   We need some parents to take food home for initial preparation, some parents to donate desserts & salad, and a crew to actually put everything together Thursday afternoon, serve dinner and a crew to serve and clean up. After clean-up, you'll have plenty of time to head into the stadium and enjoy the game. Please help where and when you can.

Thank you so very much!  I look forward to seeing you all at the game or before!

Reeda Baturevich
2nd VP of Programming
Liberty Band Boosters

Beg. of the Year Band Info

Hello Band Families!

It's been an exciting start to the School Year with lots going on!  Of course, the Marching Band is very busy, and we are happy to have Ms. Sarah Romero on the team this year!  She brings a lot of fresh energy to our Band Program, and is very excited to be a part of our Band Family.

Just a few administrative things, and one very important announcement.

  • Students have received a LOT of information about Course Expectations, Syllabi, Handbooks, and of course, OneNote.  This is also true for band.  Please review the Band Handbook and Syllabus, available on the band website under the Documents page (, and then print, sign, and return the "Band Contract" to school with your students.
    • This will go in the Grade Book as an Assessment grade, and is due August 28th.  
  • Students NOT enrolled in Marching Bard/Color Guard, need to complete an online information form, which is also on the band website (also on Documents page).  The online form should take 10-15 minutes to fill out, and provides us with a LOT of pertinent information to take care of your student including: health information, dietary needs (we feed your students often!), emergency contact information for trips, and so on.  MARCHING BAND students have ALREADY DONE THIS.

Lastly, the big news this year in the Band Program is a trip we are taking to Dallas, in April of 2019.  The trip is a requirement as part of the course expectations for Symphonic Band and Wind Ensemble, however, we are opening up the trip to the entire band program; students in ANY of the concert bands are allowed to attend.  Students in Concert Band 1 and Concert Band 2 mayjoin us on this trip, however will not perform with the Symphonic Band or Wind Ensemble...their trip would be for fun and exposure to very high level performance quality from bands around the country (and EVERYTHING is bigger in Texas), as well as supporting their band family at their performances.  Tentative events on the trip include: the Symphonic Band and Wind Ensemble performance, attending a performance by the world-renown Dallas Winds (professional Concert Band), attending a performance by the Dallas Symphony, a day at Six Flags-Dallas, Dallas Aquarium, Go-Kart Racing Experience, and time at the 6th Floor Museum (Assassination of JFK).  These are just some of our options, and could change.

We are hosting an informational meeting on MONDAY, AUGUST 27TH, 6:30pm in the Auditorium.  Our travel agent, Ken Ovrebo (who we've traveled with to Indianapolis, and is the State Chairman of Marching Band Activities) will be in attendance to discuss with us our basic itinerary, cost, and options for parents to travel with us as well.  Because our time at Back-to-School Night is so short, we will NOT spend any time discussing the trip on that evening.

If you can at all make it, please join us on Monday night so you can be as informed about the trip as possible.  


Sean Hedding and Sarah Romero
Band Directors
Liberty High School

2018 Regionals Advertising

Hello Band Families,
I am coordinating advertisements for the souvenir program for the 2018 CBA Southern Region State Qualifying Marching Festival on Wednesday, October 17th, hosted by Liberty Band.  This marching band competition is held at D20 Stadium and is a great fundraiser that benefits our entire band organization.
I need your help in two regards.
First, for those that own a business, please consider buying an advertisement and sponsoring a trophy in our 2018 Regional program.   To receive priority as Liberty Band affiliated advertisers just make a commitment by Friday, August 24th.  If it is appropriate for your business, coupons are encouraged with your advertisement to increase the value for both your business and the viewer.
Second, I also need your help identifying additional businesses that could advertise.  Please consider those you know who own a business (employers and friends), or if there is a business you love that you think others should know about.  Please share a referral, and I can officially approach them about advertising.
The details for advertising are below.
Orders, advertisement, and payment are due by Wednesday, September 12, 2018
Please make checks payable to LHS Band and mail to Liberty Band Boosters, PMB 226, 3472 Research Pkwy, Suite 104, Colorado Springs, CO 80920.  An invoice will be provided upon request.
Souvenir Program Advertising & Trophy Sponsor Rates:
Half page ad, B&W: $75 (4.75” wide x 3.25 high)
Full page ad, B&W: $100 (4.75” wide x 7.75” high)
Full page ad, Color:  $125 (4.75” wide x 7.75” high, very limited availability)
Trophy sponsorship: $200 – includes 3 trophies for one of the divisions (1A-5A) and a free color, full-page ad
Each ad image should be sent in either color or black and white as a .jpg file at 300 dpi.  
The program will be viewed by approximately 2,000 people at the competition, reaching people from the entire southern Colorado region.  In addition to the ad in the program, advertisers will be given additional thanks as Liberty Band sponsors in all concert band programs throughout the year (approximately 12 programs). Your ad will also be featured once during the school year in the Liberty Band Boosters Facebook group.
The deadline for orders and payment of ads is September 12, 2018.
Contact Information:
Kerrie Weitzel

Friday, August 17, 2018

October will be here soon...

Happy Friday afternoon everyone!

I know we just started school but before you know it, it will be the beginning of October and which means concert time.   Time is ticking  so we need to get a jump start on fitting concert uniforms, so that those who need to order have plenty of time to do so. More information will come home with your kid next week.   Also we would very much appreciate several volunteers next week to help us fit concert uniforms.  If you could please spare a couple hours and help us, it will go a long way in helping us get this kids fitted in efficiently and minimize their time away from class.   Click on the link below to sign up

Thank you so much!

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

What's for dinner tonight?

Good afternoon!
Don't forget you don't have to cook tonight because it is Dion's night!  5-8 PM  Located on the corner of Powers and Dublin.   Yummy pizzas, salads, and subs.  Dine-in, Drive -thru, or pick-up.   A portion of your order will go to Liberty Bands!  Hope to see you there!    

Scrip Orders

The next Scrip order deadline is at the end of rehearsal on Thursday. That’s 6 pm on 8/16. Get your orders in by then and your orders will be available to be picked up at the end of rehearsal (5:15 pm) on 8/22. If you have any questions please email Mayzie at

Take 2 - Aug 8th

There was an error on the previous calendar, attached is the corrected version.  The website has also been updated with the correct document.

To clarify, there IS rehearsal next Saturday, August 25th, 9:00am-1:00pm, which was erroneously left off of the previous calendar.
The only Saturday the students do not have a Marching Band event (rehearsal or competitions) is over Labor Day weekend (Sept 1st).

Sorry for the error.

Sean Hedding
Director of Bands
Liberty High School

Pride of the Lancers Marching Band FINALIZED Marching Band Calendar-Summer and Fall 2018

  •  May 29-31 10am-4pm Marching Band Mini Camp 
  • May 31, 4pm-6pm Pool Party, 6pm-8pm Family BBQ 
  • June 11 9am-Noon Woodwind and Brass Rehearsal 
  • July 9 9am-Noon Woodwind and Brass Rehearsal 
  • July 14 4:00-10:00pm Drums Along the Rockies (ON YOUR OWN, Drum Corps @ Mile High)
  •  July 23-27 8:30am-9:00pm Marching Band Camp
  •  July 30 5:30-8:00pm Full Ensemble Rehearsal
  •  Aug 1 5:30-8:00pm Full Ensemble Rehearsal
  •  Aug 6 5:30-8:00pm Full Ensemble Rehearsal
  •  Aug 8 5:30-8:00pm Full Ensemble Rehearsal 
  • Aug 9 4:00-10:00pm Big, Loud, & Live (ON YOUR OWN, Drum Corps @ the Movie Theatre)
  •  Aug 16 3:30-6:00pm Regular Rehearsals start (1st Day of School for everyone)
  •  Aug 18 9:00am-1:00pm Regular Saturday Rehearsal 
  •  Aug 25 9:00am-1:00pm Regular Saturday Rehearsal 
  • Aug 30 3:30-9:00pm Home Football Game
  •  Sep 1 --- Labor Day Weekend, Rehearsal Cancelled. =)
  •  Sep 8 9:00am-1:00pm Saturday Rehearsal 
  • Sep 15 8:00am-5:00pm March-a-thon 
  • Sept 22 9:00am-4:00pm Home Football Game
  •  Sept 28 5:00-9:00pm Homecoming Football Game 
  • Sept 29 8:00am-5:00pm Legacy Marching Festival (Prelims Only; Homecoming Dance)
  •  Oct 6 9:00am-1:00pm Saturday Marching Rehearsal
  •  Oct 12 3:30-9:00pm Home Football Game
  •  Oct 13 All Day Douglas County Marching Invitation (@ Douglas County HS)
  •  Oct 20 All Day Arapahoe Marching Festival
  •  Oct 27 9:00am-1:00pm Saturday Marching Rehearsal
  •  Nov 3 All Day STATE Marching Finals (USAFA-Falcon Stadium) 
  • Nov 13 5:00-9:00pm Marching Band Banquet

 ** Everything from July 23rd on, is a GRADED event, and will impact your student’s Grade for the Marching Band/Color Guard class. Marching Band/Color Guard is a 9th Block Class, and will go on your student’s High School Transcript. REGULAR REHEARSAL SCHEDULE TUESDAY 3:30-6:00 WEDNESDAY 3:15-5:15 THURSDAY 3:30-6:00 SATURDAY 9:00am-1:00p

Marching Band Final Calendar and Updates - Aug 8th

Hello Marching Band Families!

Tonight's Rehearsal Plan-
Color Guard and Percussion- 3:30-6:00
Band- 5:30-8:00 (Weather looks good, so we're gonna stick it out and learn some new drill! Have a jacket just in case!)

Attached is the FINALIZED Marching Band calendar for the season.  You can also find this document on the band website (, on the Documents page.  I'd also encourage you to routinely visit the "News" page to make sure you are always up-to-date with the happenings of the Band Program.  (You could even set the "News" page as your Internet Browser's Homepage!)  Additionally, if you view the "News" page on the band website you'll see that all of the marching band dates are in a Google Calendar, and adding this calendar to your phone is very easy to do, and there's instructions on the website about how to do so.  This is a nice way to get everything on your digital calendars without entering each event individually.

A few important calendar changes I'd like to point out-
Rehearsal, Monday August 13th is cancelled
  • The students have worked incredibly hard, and despite our weather frustrations we're right on track.  The students deserve a mini-break before school starts.  We should have all of Song 2 on the field by the end of our 1st week of school, which was the goal we set for ourselves at band camp!  
  • Next's week schedule looks like this: 
  • Monday- No Rehearsal (Cancelled)
  • Tuesday- No Rehearsal
  • Wednesday- No Rehearsal; 1st Day for Freshmen
  • Thursday- Regular Rehearsal Starts 3:30-6:00; 1st Day for Everyone
  • Saturday- Regular Saturday Rehearsal- 9:00am-1:00pm

Rehearsal, Sept 1st (Labor Day Weekend) is cancelled.  Enjoy your Three Day Weekend and Rest Up!  This is the longest break the students will get the entire Marching Band season.

With that said, attendance at EVERY REHEARSAL & PERFORMANCE is REQUIRED and is critical for the band's success!   
A few quick administrative notes:
  • Please submit completed Assumption of Risk forms, Physicals, and Permission Slips, if you haven't already done so.  Failure to turn in these vital documents will result in your student being removed from Marching Band...and NONE of us want that.
  • Please fill out and return the March-a-thon forms!  This is a BIG fundraiser for your student and the band program, and it couldn't be easier! 

Lastly, the final installment of the Marching Band Course fee is due next Wednesday, August 15th; The entire Marching Band course fee ($500) should be paid in full by August 15th.  If you are experiencing financial constraints please contact me so we can work out an alternative payment plan.  The band is looking and sounding great, but we still have a lot of expenses coming through that we will need to pay for in order for us to be as successful as possible (Uniforms, Costumes, Flags, Props, Food, etc.).  

Thanks for all your help and support the last few weeks; the students and staff continue to amaze me, and we are very excited about bringing "Color Theory" to life!  


Sean Hedding
Director of Bands
Liberty HS

Aug 8th Email

Good Day, All!

Well, now that we have a semi-permanent schedule going the weeks are flying by, so we hope your start to this marching season is going well. We have a busy few weeks coming up and hope we all can relax and stay calm during them, cause it is going to be crazy these next couple of weeks! So, here this week's updates!

THANK YOU to those who have stepped up and given some time to the band so far. Your efforts are appreciated and are noticed. However...

We sent out a great volunteer opportunity with the Music and Arts fundraiser via emails from Reeda and Donny and we got only 2 people to sign up, total bummer. Now the band is out any funds that could have been raised with the Music and Arts program. The band directorship can't stress enough the importance of these opportunities. These efforts help the kids of the entire band, not just the kids of the marching band. These funds go to help with things like buying and repairing the band instruments. As well as the great music your kids will be playing this concert season and marching season, teaching aids, classroom supplies and a great number of other things. If the directors do not have these funds it makes running this fantastic program very hard and in the end, it is all of our kids that suffer. 

With the Dallas trip around the corner, it is in your best interest to jump on these easy efforts and not get behind the eight ball down the road as opportunities become fewer and fewer. Thank you for understanding.

Remember the first dinner fundraiser is August 14th from 5 - 8 pm at Dion's Pizza on Powers and Dublin. The band program will receive 10% of the sales from those who mention they are with LHS Band. This is the night before freshmen report to school, so help out the band and make dinner easy for the whole family.

If you ordered scrip cards or if you need a King Soopers card or two, please stop by when you drop off your student at Wednesday's rehearsal. We will be in the band room from 5:15 - 6:00 PM  and we can get you taken care of.

ATTENTION! "The Pride of the Lancers" needs you... Your band student needs you... The 2018 Pit Crew really needs you! We are the crew that runs the front ensemble on and off the field during the competitions this season. We need some folks to sign up to participate in one of the most rewarding volunteer opportunities around the marching program. Be a part of the Pride of the Lancers' Pit Crew! Watch your our awesome band perform up close and personal and join your fellow parents in a season of fun and support. Contact Ben Lucero at 719-332-3780 or Please submit your interest by August 20th. We need full-timers (parents who can commit to all performances) and part-timers (substitutes for those who have to miss a performance). Just do it! Thanks!"

Did you see that first run of great Band Spirit Wear at Band Camp? Are you wanting to support this great band with a shirt or hoodie? Well, you are in luck, the order form is attached. Please drop the form with payment off in the Red Mailbox by August 15th!

Show Shirts!!! Are you wanting to be in the sea of red? Do you want people to see your pride in this year's kids and show? Cool, order up a fantastic looking show shirt today! The form is attached and is due by August 16th in the RED Mailbox!

The band directors would like to thank you for the flexibility with the weather so far. They want to stress that the safety of the kids is the most important thing on their minds. They also would like you to know that last-minute schedule changes may be crazy as the season continues. If this weather pattern holds, this fall will be interesting for sure. Once school starts, the rehearsals will not likely end early or be canceled at all regardless of the madness of mother nature. 

Some kids were sent home with missing forms yesterday after rehearsal! Please check with your kid and make sure that you get these forms. They range from missing physicals to permission slips or assumption of risk forms. PLEASE get these in ASAP, it gets harder to chase these down once school starts.

Well, that covers the laundry list of things that needed attention, hope you have a great rest of your week and weekend. Go do something super fun this weekend, as it is the last Saturday your kid has off for the rest of the season.