Monday, June 4, 2018

Uniform fittings on June 11th and July 9th

Good Evening Marching Parents,

Our first music rehearsal for Brass and Woodwinds is less than a week a way on June 11th at 9:00 AM.  

We will be fitting uniforms that day, June 11th.  The schedule will be the following 

Seniors  12 - 2 PM 
Juniors   2 - 4 PM  

On July 9th it will be
Sophomores 12-2 PM
Freshman 2-4 PM 

Students are welcome to come any time during their time slot. (they are welcome to grab lunch and come back to avoid standing in line)   If they know they are going to gone during their time slot, please contact Sandy Weber at

We will also need volunteers during these fittings. We need 4 adults and 6 students.  You can sign up here   Remember students can gather band service hours by volunteering at these fittings.  

Let us know if you have any questions, we will be happy to help.